Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Black-throated Sparrows - 1/9/06 - my life Black-throated Sparrows - Phantom Ranch - Grand Canyon NP - AZ Posted by Picasa

Wild Turkeys - Phantom Ranch - 1/10/06 - Grand Canyon NP - AZ - These two Tom's apparently have been the only two turkeys at the bootom of the canyon for many years. They have grown accustomed to handouts from visitors to the ranch and are quite aggresive. These two particular birds literally chased me for five minutes before I got away from them... Posted by Picasa

Western Scrub-Jay - 1/11/06 - Grand Canyon NP - AZ Posted by Picasa

Bushtit - Phantom Ranch - 1/10/06 - Grand Canyon NP - AZ Posted by Picasa

Canyon Wren - Phantom Ranch - 1/10/06 - Grand Canyon NP - AZ Posted by Picasa

Rufous-crowned Sparrow - Phantom Ranch - 1/10/06 - Grand Canyon NP - AZ Posted by Picasa

American Dipper - Phantom Ranch - 1/10/06 - Grand Canyon NP - AZ Posted by Picasa

Black Phoebe - Phantom Ranch - 1/10/06 - Grand Canyon NP - AZ Posted by Picasa

Black-throated Sparrow and Rufous-crowned Sparrow - Phantom Ranch - 1/10/06 - Grand Canyon NP - AZ Posted by Picasa

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Pygmy Nuthatch - South Rim - Grand Canyon NP - 1/8/06 Posted by Picasa

Grand Canyon NP - 1/8/06 Posted by Picasa

Grand Canyon from South Rim - 1/8/06 Posted by Picasa

Mountain Chickadee - 1/8/06 - South Rim Visitor Center - Grand Canyon NP - AZ Posted by Picasa

Pygmy Nuthatchs - 1/8/06 - South Rim - Grand Canyon NP - AZ Posted by Picasa

Golden Eagle being mobbed by a Common Raven just east of Zion NP in Utah - 1/6/06 Posted by Picasa

Canyon Wren - 1/6/06 - Zion NP - Utah Posted by Picasa

Common Raven - 1/6/06 - Zion NP - Utah Posted by Picasa

Common Raven - 1/6/06 - Zion NP - Utah - a very cooperative bird! Posted by Picasa

Common Raven - 1/6/06 - Zion NP - Utah Posted by Picasa