This morning I took the shortcut again and I don’t really understand where this water is coming from as it is super dry here, but the crossing was even worse today. I stupidly decided I didn’t want to double back and drove through it, but I barely made it (here’s a pic I snapped after crossing…). On the return I went the long way and I don’t plan on taking the shortcut for the rest of the week (I’m hopeful it will dry up during that time). Oh, I also stopped at the Yellow-wattled Lapwing spot on the way back and got an okay photo of one since I promised an attempt in an earlier post. It was 11:30AM when I took that photo which is well past when the light is good. The bird (one of 21) was standing in the shade of an acacia tree…not a bad plan. You can tell that it is a bird of dry grassland and scrub by its coloration, not too much contrast with the dry grasses it’s standing in!
Just for comparison’s sake, here is the much more common and extremely widespread Red-wattled Lapwing that is also here (the Indian version of the Killdeer).
The family I’m staying with here has my tastes pegged. The food I’ve been eating I not only can tolerate (pretty much best-case scenario meal for me last year when I was here) but I actually am really enjoying. The names of all the things they serve they tell me repeatedly, but I’ m afraid I just can’t keep them all straight (my mom would take this opportunity to point out to me that I can keep all the bird names straight, so why not food names?)! I guess it’s just not a high priority for me to remember them since I will never be cooking any of these things… We also have tea or coffee every morning at 6:30AM (before I leave) and again at 4:30PM. I don’t think I would have been so long averse to coffee if I had grown up in India, it’s literally maybe 40% coffee and 60% cream and sugar! Today I discovered that a large bag of trail mix that my parents had sent along with me as “survival rations” had been found by a colony of very small ants that are living in the wall by one of my windows. The bag was totally sealed but apparently there is a small hole in the bottom of the bag, because the ants definitely found it are thoroughly enjoying the exported American trail mix! I’m now experimenting with moving the bag to different places in my living quarters to see how long it takes them to re-find it…cheap entertainment and I’m a science major…I can’t help but test things like this! Alright…tea time!
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